Our Covenant at Cedar Street:

A Commitment to Christ and Each Other

Our walk with Jesus Christ is a lifelong journey that God always intended for us to go through in a covenant community of like-minded believers.


At Cedar Street, we are not just a congregation but a family. And as Christ has made a covenant commitment to us to redeem and transform our souls through His shed blood, we have also made a covenant commitment to each other as family members seeking to follow Christ together and become His faithful disciples.


Below is our new CSBC Church Covenant that was adopted in 2018 as a tangible way of pursuing gospel transformation together:

CSBC Church Covenant

(Adopted in 2018)

“As members of Cedar Street Baptist Church, we profess that we have been drawn by the Spirit of God to repent of our sins and place our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 


Therefore, having been baptized upon that profession of faith in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we are now joined together by one Lord, one faith, and one baptism in a covenant relationship with one another to pursue one mission. 


Our mission is to glorify God and advance His heavenly kingdom here on earth by making Christian disciples whose heads, hearts, and hands are being transformed through the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


So, in the presence and power of God, we make this covenant commitment to each other as we continue to pursue our mission as one unified church family. 


Together, we will seek the mind of Christ …

…by reading the Bible consistently,  

…by learning from our teachers gradually,   

…by following our church leaders faithfully, 

…and by directing our thoughts and words to glorify God intentionally; 


Together, we will show the heart of Christ…

…by worshipping God together corporately, 

…by seeking God through prayer fervently,  

…by loving God and others sacrificially,  

…and by forgiving others gracefully;   


And together, we will be the hands of Christ…

…by contributing to our church finances cheerfully,   

…by inviting others to worship with us weekly, 

…by serving in at least one of our ministries yearly, 

…and by proclaiming the gospel to build God’s kingdom eternally.    


May we as Cedar Street Baptist Church continue to pursue this mission together in grace and truth, for the glory of the Father, in the name of the Son, and by the power of the Spirit. May we also be willing to truthfully confess when we fail, resting securely in God’s amazing grace, as He continues to transform us into the image of His Son.”