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Watch by Sermon Series

Focused to the Finish:

A study of 2 Timothy

First & Foremost:

A study of Colossians 1

Searching Our Sacred God:

A study of Psalm 139

Great Exchanges:

2023 Christmas series from the Book of Hebrews

Revival Services 2023:

Living Life A.S.A.P.

Living the Resurrection Life:

A study of 1 Corinthians 15

Well-Worn Paths of Wisdom:

A study of the Life & Lessons of King Solomon

The Light of the World:

A Study of Advent

Revival 2022 Services:

with Reverend Mike Howard

Return to the Upper Room:

A Study of John 13-17

Baptist Men's Day:

Services from past few years

The Search for Joy:

A Christmas Sermon Series

Jesus Is:

A Study of the Book of Mark

Broken Saviors:

A study of the book of Judges

The Hope of Heaven:

A study on the doctrine of heaven

Come Behold Emmanuel:

See how Christ is God with us

This is The Life:

A Study of the book of 1 John


A Study of Philippians 3

Heart to Heart:

A Study of the Human Heart from the Book of Proverbs

An Abiding Word

A weekly devotional to help you abide in the vine of Christ

Holy Week 2020:

Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, & Easter

Who's Your One?:

A Study of Intentional Outreach

CSBC Revival 2019:

Pastor Dannie Williams

Only Christ:

A Study of the Book of Hebrews

Set Apart:

A Study of the Book of 1 Peter

Weighing Our Words:

A Study of Human Words from the Book of Proverbs

Final Words on First Priorities:

A Study of the Book of Malachi

Together We Transform:

A Study of our CSBC Church Covenant

CSBC Revival 2018:

Reverend Jim Harrell

Focusing on the Family of God:

A Study of the Book of 1 Timothy

Redeeming Love:

A Study of the Book of Ruth

Growing in the Presence of God:

A Study of the Doctrine of God's Presence

CSBC Revival 2017

Reverend Steve Tillis

Learning to Pray the Lord's Way:

A Study of The Lord's Prayer 

Putting Feet to our Faith:

A Study of the Book of James

Lord, Have Mercy:

A Study of the Book of Jonah

I Must Confess:

A Study of the Doctrine of Confession