Wednesday Night Ministries tonight starting at 6:30 p.m. The youth groups will meet next Wednesday, 5.11.22 for the last time before the summer break.

The CSKids will be working on their final lesson before summer tonight. We will have birthday night for the months of May, June, and July. We will also recognize all the 5th graders who are moving up to middle school. Don't forget, the final store is 5.11.22, so have your kids spend all the points they have.

All youth, grades 6-12, are invited to the Student Prayer Breakfast on Thursday mornings at 6:45, in the CSBC fellowship hall. A ride to school will be available. May 5th will be the last meeting before the summer break.

Click the link below to visit all sermons in the "Return to the Upper Room" series.

Pastor Bo continues the Jesus of Nazareth DVD study on Sunday nights in the fellowship hall at 5 p.m. This study is for everyone.

This Sunday is Mother's Day! There will be a recognition that morning during the service. Also, there will be NO evening activities, here at the church, that evening.

The Brotherhood and Wives Dinner will be Tuesday, May 10, 7 p.m. This will be a free catered meal for all Brotherhood members and their wives. Louis Pearce will be the guest speaker.

CSBC will be hosting a Graduation Recognition Ceremony at the beginning of our Sunday morning worship service. During this ceremony, we will be recognizing high school and college graduating seniors who have participated in our CSBC children or youth ministries at some point in their academic career. 


In an effort to order the gifts and pay proper tribute to these students, we ask that each family e-mail our church office at with the following information:


1. Correct spelling of the student's name

2. Updated photo of the student

3. One sentence description of student's plans after graduation


The deadline to submit this information to the church is May 15, so please send us the material ASAP to help us prepare for this special event!

Our CSBC One-Day VBS is on Saturday, June 4, 2022, from 9 am to 2 pm. Visit the VBS page online for registration and other news.

Click on the link below to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Updated Sunday sermons every week.

Click on the link below to visit our CSBC Resources page for updated Bulletins and other church related information.

Stay up-to-date on all of our calendar events by clicking the link below.

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