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CSBC has a new interactive calendar. Click the link and check it out!

All Wednesday Night Ministries meet tonight at 6:30 p.m.

CSKIDS will celebrate December birthdays tonight.

The CSBC sound room is selling Boston butts for $40 to help raise money for a new video camera. See Jody Nasworthy for purchase. Your support would be greatly appreciated!!

The women's cookie swap that was scheduled for Saturday the 7th has been canceled. Details on its rescheduling will come later.

The Brotherhood Christmas Project is quickly approaching. We're asking that all men please give your $50 to the project ASAP.

Those who are going to the Brotherhood project meal & shopping, should meet in the CSBC parking lot at 5:30 to go eat and then shopping afterwards.

The Lottie Moon Post office is back. Send Christmas Cards to your CSBC family by putting the card in the appropriate slot and dropping a donation in the box. It’s that easy. 100 percent of the donations taken will go to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. Please, only put cash into the donation boxes. Thank you.

Choir Practice has been called off for this coming Sunday. The choir will meet again on Sunday, December 15.

Sunday Night Studies will meet this Sunday evening at 5 p.m. in the fellowship hall.

Join us after the Sunday Night Studies for a business meeting.

We are collecting male and female socks for the residents of Pulaski Nursing Home. The deadline is 12.11.2024.

Come celebrate Christmas in song as Jody Nasworthy gives his annual Christmas concert on Saturday, December 14, at 6 p.m. here at Cedar Street. Everyone is welcome, so grab some friends and come join us.

The Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 15 at 6 p.m. Everyone is invited.

Click the link below to get the Missions Prayer List for the month of DECEMBER 2024.

Visit the CSBC PRAYER HUB For all things related to our prayer list and needs. The online prayer list is updated on Fridays.

Here is the link to see the list of volunteers for this coming Sunday.

CEDAR STREET - Reaching out until there is NO PLACE LEFT! (NPL) The vision is that we pray and make disciples in every segment of every city until there is NO PLACE LEFT that has not heard about Jesus. A movement of movements aimed at getting to no place left where Christ is not made known in our generation—no people group, ethnic group, city or segment. (Romans 15:23)

Click on the link below to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Updated Sunday sermons every week.

Click on the link below to visit our CSBC Resources page for updated Bulletins and other church related information. The bulletin file is updated on Fridays.

Stay up-to-date on all of our calendar events by clicking the link below.

Click below to give online.